The Bark Recommended Reading ✅

We have gathered together some favorite articles that capture today's dogdom. Tap into our two decades of publishing experience on everything to do with dogs and enjoy these tips, ideas and secrets to a better life for you and your pup!
Is Rough Play Appropriate?
Experts examine the language of play—and it's evident that some dogs like to play "rough."
7 Things You Do That Your Dog Hates
These human actions may have good intentions but most dogs don't like them.
HUMPING: Why Do Dogs Do It?
Though sometimes socially awkward for people—humping or mounting is completely normal behavior for dogs.
10 Ways to Add More Joy to Your Dog's Life
Give your dog the gift of happiness. Here are 10 simple ways to give your dog more satisfaction and joy in their life.
For Ellen

Like a vision quest of kindness and yearning
The best dog the only dog
The soulmate dog is tethered to you
Predestined as if assigned at birth

You meet and she greets you as an adored relative
Suddenly happily returned from a long trip
So as not to risk another disappearance
She adheres to your side resolved to follow you forever

Between you is adoration and admiration
As satisfying as a shared milkshake
In a day perhaps two your life seems
To have had this creature in it always

Her eyes search in crowded places only for you
The door she waits by opens for you alone
At night she sprawls on the floor your shoe as her pillow
And when you are away her dinner lies untouched

Her mournful sigh a bereft comma
In the sentence your absence has written
And at the end of the day each forlorn companion
Is revived by the others sloppy generous love.

—Rachel R. Baum, CPDT-KA
Do Male and Female Dogs Learn Differently?
Behaviorist Patricia B. McConnell, PhD examines how gender may affect the learning process and capabilities in canines. 
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