Hidden Signs Your Dog Has a Dental Problem

Your weekly dose of dog-infused happiness
February 16, 2023

Hidden Signs Your Dog Has a Dental Problem

February is Pet Dental Health Month. Did you know poor dental health can have a serious impact on your dog's overall wellness, even causing diseases? Here's what to look for to determine if your dog has a hidden dental problem.
Header Photo: bigstock.com/Grisha Bruev
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Win a fully customizable Orvis Memory Foam Bolster Dog Bed from Morris Animal Foundation! Your pooch will comfortably dream the day away on this luxurious bed.


Would You Clone Your Dog?

Buhner (at right) and his two puppy clones

Do you have a beloved pooch at home that you cannot imagine life without? Now you don't have to. A U.S. company is specializing in cloning pets, and some of its clients are very happy with their decision. See how much it costs.


More Goodness From Modern Dog 

Peanut butter and dogs—a natural fit, right? Most dogs love it, but be sure to read the label: these peanut butters contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs!
Dog Of The Week!
Chester, a Shetland Sheepdog, loves playing with cats, barking, and his treats. Enter your own dog to be featured!
Adorable Kids Book!
Settle in with a little one (ages three and above) and join Madison as she seeks to understand why she is different, and makes a sweet discovery. 

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